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日期:2010-07-20 | 閱讀:
On my way home from coaching basketball yesterday, I was listening to WGN - my favorite talk radio station out of Chicago. I could tell right away that there was something wrong by the somber1mood of the speaker. There had been a pl

On my way home from coaching basketball yesterday, I was listening to WGN - my favorite talk radio station out of Chicago. I could tell right away that there was something wrong by the somber1mood of the speaker. There had been a plane crash. Two small planes collided into each other over a northern suburb of Chicago. What made the story hit close to home 2 was that Bob Collins, the morning show man for WGN, was the pilot of one of the planes and had been killed. Later that night, as I made my 40 minute drive to my thirdshift3 job, I listened as the station reminisced and paid tribute to a man who was loved by many. They told story after story,describing him as the ultimate friend, and a man who had lived lifeto the fullest. Genuine love and affection poured in from all over the country. The more I listened about how this man had influenced those around him, the more discouraged I became。
  Why you ask?
  I was discouraged because I wanted to know why we as aculture, wait until somebody has passed away before we tell them how much we love them? Why do we wait until someone’s ears can’thear before we let them know how much they mean to us? Why do wewait until it is too late before we recall the good qualities of aperson? Why do we build someone up after they have gone intoeternity? What good does it do then? We share memory after memory,as we laugh, cry, and think back about what was positive in aperson’s life. Yes, it does help us cope with the grief of losing someone that was special to us. And yes, it does bring those whoare coping closer together. But as we lovingly remember thisperson, our words fall short of the ears that most needed to hearthem。
  Just once I would like to see a celebration of life, insteadof a gathering of death. A celebration where stories are told, eyesmist over, laughter rings out; and as the speaker concludes his orher loving tribute, the person they are honoring rises from theirchair and gives them the biggest bear hug! Wouldn’t that besomething! The special person gets to hear the stories and come tothe realization that they have made a difference on this earth. Andall this is done well before they leave their earthly bodies and gointo eternity. And when the inevitable funeral finally comes, wecan say goodbye with the knowledge that they knew exactly how people felt about them while they were here on earth。
  I now have a stronger resolve to tell those around me how much they mean to me. I am going to let my wife know just how loved and appreciated she is, not only by my words, but also by my actions. Iam going to play Batman with my four year old more often, and inthe middle of our romping, I am going to grab him, hug him tightly,and tell him how thankful I am that he is my son. I am going to sneak into my sleeping toddler’s bedroom, place my lips on hischubby cheek, and thank God for the bundle of joy he has broughtinto my life. Each day I will make a point to tell both of my boyshow much I love them, whether they are four or eighteen! Fromthere, I am going to let family and friends know the tremendous impact they have had on my life. And last but not least,I am goingto let the high school players I coach know that I look forward toeach and every minute that I get to spend with them in the gym。
  如今,我更加堅(jiān)定地要告知身邊的人,讓他們知道他們對(duì)我是何等重要。我要讓我的妻子知道我是多么愛她、欣賞她——不僅要說出來,還要用行動(dòng)向她表示。我要多多地陪4歲的兒子玩“蝙蝠俠”游戲,在嬉笑打鬧中,我會(huì)抓住他,緊緊地抱著他,告訴他有這樣一個(gè)兒子我是多么感激。我要悄悄走到我那熟睡的蹣跚學(xué)步的孩子床前,親吻他胖嘟嘟的臉蛋兒,感謝上帝將如此多的歡樂帶進(jìn)我的生命。每一天,我都會(huì)告訴兩個(gè)兒子我是多么愛他們,無論他們是4 歲還是18歲?。ㄍㄟ^這些舉動(dòng),)我要讓我的家人和朋友們知道他們對(duì)我的生活有著巨大的影響。最后,但也同樣重要的是,我要讓跟我訓(xùn)練的那些中學(xué)生們知道,我向往著和他們?cè)隗w育館里一同練習(xí)的每一分鐘。
  Do you love someone? Then tell them! Has someone been aninfluence in your life? Then give them a call! Has someone made adifference in your life? Then write them a letter or send them anemail! Life is too short to leave kind words unsaid. The words yousay, or the letters you write, might just make all the differencein the world。
  1. somber a . 憂郁的;悶悶不樂的
  2. close to home: 極大地影響某人
  3. 三班制(three-shift system) 是最經(jīng)常使用的輪班制度,各國(guó)的時(shí)間安排不盡相同, 通常“ 早班”(或“白班”)(first shift 或day shift)為6:00 a.m. ~ 2:00 p.m,“ 中班” (secondshift 或middle shift) 為2:00 p.m. ~ 10:00 p.m,“ 晚班”(“ 夜班” 或“大夜班”)(third shift, night shift 或graveyard shift)為10:00 p.m. ~ 6:00a.m.,或者將全天24 小時(shí)等分成三部分,每一部分為一班。

